
by 게으른농부



Anonymous and honest conversations are possible!Express yourself as you are, not as you appear.Around (2014.12.05 ~ 2022.02.01) Made for those who miss it and miss it.-- Restrictions on use --If there is a post that violates the terms of use within the app or is offensive, you can report it separately, and when reporting, you can make the post not visible.If a post is reported more than 5 times, it will not be visible to all users and, in some cases, may be deleted without consent. Users who are re-reported more than 2 times will be immediately restricted from using the post without separate consent.--- App permissions ---Location information- When writing a post, you can also save location information and turn it off if you do not want it.- When viewing a published post, the current location information is used to tell you the distance between the location at the time of writing and your current location.- If location information is not saved when writing a post or location information is turned off when viewing a public post, it will be displayed as “somewhere.”privacy policy:https://lazyfarmerer.github.io/privacypolicy/SorokSorok/